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players born 08-09-10
players do not have to register for all ice times. Drop-ins are available
Airdrie spring & summer elite ice
want to maximize your off-season development?
regular weekly Ice Times
Regular, weekly skates designed to propel you to the next level. All ice times run by Jay!
a complete on-ice development package
All ice times will focus on high intensity "flow drills" combined with high speed situational reps and custom skill development circuits.
Elite Guest coaches
We will be regularly bringing out elite guest coaches because "it takes a village" to develop elite players.
We will be using Lift Youth Fitness in Airdrie for our dry-land sessions. We will have the facility to ourselves for our sessions. All dry-land programming and sessions will be run by Jay Blakley
Goaltending instruction provided by World Pro Goaltending
$40 per ice time
$30 per dry-land
$20 per ice for goalies
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